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All about "hellinger constellations" Give hellinger constellations

Hellinger constellations are a kind of psychotherapeutic method of group or individual orientation. It refers to a person as...

Psychosomatics of obesity and psychotherapy of excess weight: causes, treatment, psychological counseling of people
Psychosomatics of obesity and psychotherapy of excess weight: causes, treatment, psychological counseling of people

Extracts from the book: Brautigam V., Christian P., Rad M. Psychosomatic medicine. Obesity is the accumulation of adipose tissue with an increase in mass ...

Versions of past lives in the second matrix
Versions of past lives in the second matrix

Commentary on the Torah Shemot Weekly Section Mishpatim Chapters 21:1-24:18 “And these are the laws...”. In Hebrew, laws are mishpatim. Commentary on Torah...